Beginner Make up Tips (episode 2: What Not to Do)
Shambhavi Chaturvedi
Makeup is an Art! It is a prime embodiment of graciousness and elegance. Therefore it is our moral duty to apply it right and enjoy the beautiful flair on our faces in various events and ceremonies. We all know what are the prime components of makeup and the usual process to apply it but do we really know what not to do with our makeup essentials?
Not to worry, here we will discuss more on this topic which pretty much covers most of the Don’t for a makeup beginner’s lessons. Keep in mind the following tips for a neat and decent look!

Makeup Tip 1:
One of the things that fascinate me about the highlighter is that how magnificently our face glows in both the alternating background light scenarios- the bright and dim lights. Though we all add more grace via highlighters but one thing shouldn’t be missed out on. If someone is having a lot of face pores or large-sized face pores, then you should surely avoid using highlighters as it may accumulate in those pores giving a shady look.

Makeup Tip 2: Do not apply eyeshadow on the eyelids directly. Upon the application of the primer and then a little talc as a softener you should apply the eyeshadows shades that fit your outfit.
On the topic of shades, also do not put shimmery and darker shades on the inner corners of your eyes. All of this leads to loud and profound makeup that just does not go right with the 2021 summer trends.

Makeup Tip 3: Blushing is Important! And proper blushing is very Important. So, here comes some tip- Do not apply blush in patches just on your cheekbones. The blush along with the eyeshadow should be blended properly for a neat and pretty look.

Makeup Tip 4: Do not apply a foundation that does not match your tone. This is one of the basic makeup errors that should be avoided. We all have our own skin tone and makeup does not promote racism, it brings out the elegance in you.
So, do not apply foundations of lighter skin tone to look fair because this surely is a makeup blunder and would just let you become the laughing material in your social circle.

Makeup Tip 5: Sometimes when in hurry we do apply makeup directly. But I want to emphasize that applying makeup in rush would lead to no balance and clear discrimination of makeup materials on the face skin.
So, if on a bad day you’re in a hurry simply skip the eyeshadow and the blush part but do not mix it will the primer and eyeliner. Also, less makeup but clear makeup is always a good green signal for confidence!

Makeup not just brings the confidence stored in you but also helps you attain a polished and captivating look suitable for events and office engagements with some good efforts. Doing Makeup the right way is important and hope this article is of some help to you!