Concealer 101
Shambhavi Chaturvedi
When it comes to makeup, concealer is essential. Even if you're planning to go for a no-makeup-makeup look, you generally skip a foundation and make do with a concealer just to cover those areas where needed. Most of us are not blessed with perfect, clear skin or even with no dark circles. So to cover up these things, we need a concealer.
If you're a beginner and are yet to learn where to apply concealer, here is a quick guide incorporated with all those areas where ideally a concealer application is needed.

Starting with the basics, the first and most ought to apply area is the under eyes. Since people nowadays are more of a night owl than a morning person, we all have ridiculous dark circles. So if you want to cover them up and make your face more lively and cancel out the dullness and darkness underneath your eyes, this is where you are supposed to begin with a concealer.
For people who might have miserable dark dark circles and just a concealer won't do, you can first apply a thin layer of color corrector to cancel out the darkness and then go over with a concealer to brighten yours under your eyes.

The next place is to apply concealer on the sides or edges of your nose because a lot of people tend to suffer from redness around or at the sides of their noses. Applying concealer there will ensure that the redness would not peek through and in case of darkness, it will also brighten the area.
If a concealer is a bit too much, you can go for a green color corrector if you just wish to cancel out the redness on the sides of your nose. Make sure to set it with a loose setting powder in both the cases of concealer and corrector otherwise your product will crack up in no time and will add a not pleasing look.

I remember back in the day, I used to struggle with eyebrow products. Since I was just a beginner and just stepped into the realm of makeup, I have made my eyebrows look terrible and even went out without realizing it. But it's fine now, so for you not to make the same mistake, I learned a trick which I wish you to know sooner, but better late than never folks! So the thing is if you are unable to make your eyebrows look neat, just apply a little product instead of going heavy-handed. Also, the main deal here is to apply a thin line of concealer above and below your eyebrows once you are finished with filling up your brows. This will give your brows a cleaner look and make them look sculpted and neat.

Many of us suffer from hyperpigmentation which is fine. While there are many possible reasons for the occurrence of hyperpigmentation ranging from weakness and illness to sun exposure, it is very natural in females. We all often feel insecure when we look in the mirror and see darkness around our mouth but it's okay because, for the most part, it is natural and of course not permanent. You can treat your hyperpigmentation through skincare and for temporary treatment, we have concealers.
Apply a suitable amount of concealer around your mouth to cover your pigmentation and in case coverage of a concealer is not enough, you can first use an orange color corrector beneath and then go over with concealer. Make sure to set it with a powder later.

Well, the world is divided into two halves, one with people who brighten either their chin or forehead and the other, who brighten both. Which side are you on? And if you haven't decided, go find out yourself. Some like to apply concealer on their foreheads to brighten them and some do the same on their chins. The reason is they feel to brighten the area which needs it more but at the same time do not wish to overdo it. While the others prefer a more balanced face with both the areas of their face brightened and concealed. So if you haven't decided go and grab a concealer and see for yourself which side of the world are you on!