Haircare Tips For Healthy Hair!
Neeru Dangwal
Beautiful hair is one of the few things all people irrespective of their gender desire. Haircare is as much as important as skincare. Our hair is like a crown which we wear every day and the crown should always shine bright!
If not taken care of properly, hair problems like hair damage, split ends, itchy scalp, etc might show up.
So, here are some basic but essential hair care tips both men and women should follow.

1) Oiling your hair twice a week
Grandmas were right when they said oiling your hair is the first-line treatment for damaged hair. Before every wash, you should oil your hair and massage it for 10 minutes. Leave it on for an hour and then wash it. You can also oil your hair one day prior to washing and leave it overnight. This way the oil will penetrate deep into your roots and will provide complete nourishment.
Oiling your hair provides nourishment to your hair which increases hair shine and protects them from damage.

2) Rice water to rinse your hair
Asian women particularly from Korea and China have had this secret behind their long, lustrous, and healthy hair. Rice water contains starch, proteins, and other lipids which is a nutritious source for hair. Rinsing your hair with rice water helps in treating hair damage.

3) Use a wide-toothed comb
Use a wide-toothed wooden comb to brush your hair instead of brushes and make sure to comb your hair after your hair is completely dried. Using a wooden comb will improve blood circulation and will make your hair grow faster and easy to detangle.

4) Use a hair protection spray
Sun doesn't only damage our skin but also our hair so if you are going out in summer heat and if your hairs are exposed to sunlight, you must always use a hair protection spray before going out.

5) Follow a healthy diet
Ultimately what goes inside your body will reflect externally on your body too. Hairs are made up of protein and if your hair lacks it, the result is always damaged hair. You should always follow a healthy and nutritious diet to make your hair healthy and damage-free.

Following these hair care tips will definitely help but remember you have to be patient for the results to show up and be consistent with your hair care routine so that one day you will have smooth, shiny, and damage-free hair.