How To Maintain A Beautiful Sunless Tan Effortlessly
Chitranshu Sihania
ADMIT IT, GIRLS! Everyone craves that perfect bronze glow. Sun-lovers opt for a sunbath or baking in a tanning bed to get that natural-looking tan. But little do they know that the harmful UV radiation of the sun is silently degrading their skin's quality, causing premature aging, wrinkles, or the worst of all, skin cancer.
But not anymore! We've got you all covered. Here are some practical yet simple tricks to maintain that beautiful sunless tanning glow without risking your skin.

- Go, get that glow:
Even and natural-looking bronze look can easily be obtained by tan sprays or self-tanning products. Numerous sunless tanning products are available that helps to give a gradual beautiful bronze look or an instant bronze satisfaction. From spray booths to even air-brushing, you'll get that undistinguishable even tan safely. So, stop exposing your precious skin to the sun.

- Exfoliate before sessions:
Removing that dry, flaky skin before going for a spray, helps in getting a long-lasting tan. The dead skin cells block the absorption of the bronzer into the new healthier ones. The sunless spray then penetrates deep down the skin and reaps that beautiful cocoa bronze look.

- No sweating's allowed:
You won't like that streaked tan look, you didn't pay for it, right? Sweating causes the bronzer to streak because obviously you've been tinted with a water-soluble solution. So avoid indulging in activities that cause excessive perspiration. Don't forget to use the AC in the car on a hot day.

- Avoid water:
To avoid spoiling the tanning effect of DHA or streaking, you must keep away from water for at least 3-4 hours after your session. Avoid taking a shower soon after.

- No swimming and spas:
Avoid getting into chlorinated pools or spas for minimum 24 hours after your tanning session to avoid fading that beautiful bronze shade off your skin.
- Keep your skin hydrated:
Once you're done showering, always keep your skin hydrated. Our skin tends to dry and flake so does the tan. Make it last longer by applying lotion or moisturizer daily and add a refreshing glow to your color.

Girls, go get that flawless cocoa-looking deliciously beautiful skin without sitting under the sun for hours. Remember, healthier skin tans better.