Unravelling Top Memory Boosters
Shambhavi Chaturvedi
How often has it happened with you that you had to bring a bottle from the fridge and you went closer towards your fridge you completely forgot what you had to do? Moreover, you began pondering why did you come here and what for? Also, do you try to remember a few things that you said yesterday to someone and just couldn’t figure out what you said?
Relax, these things happen to everybody but ignoring such signs when they are happening, again and again, could be a problem for you and your family. Scientists to date haven’t yet figured out where exactly our memories are stored and why do we forget about things for the long term and even the short term. This is our later life could probably be a problem and most of the world is suffering from loss of memory diseases that is scientifically known as Dementia.
Thus, to protect yourself from such memory and brain illnesses consume the following products which will keep your brain healthy and memories refreshed.

- Oily Fishes
Salmon, Mackerel, tuna, and sardines are some of the examples of common oily fishes which are good for brain health and definitely boost our memory. They basically improve our brain structure and nerve functions. Oily fishes are mainly rich in omega 3 and this is a potential ingredient of our diet which promotes enhanced functions of the various units of our brain.

- Dark Chocolates
Memory functions can also be improved by consuming one of the favorite food items, chocolate. But one thing to make sure is that you consume dark chocolates as they are rich in flavonoids and these flavonoids are essential pharmaceutical ingredients or phytoconstituent which boosts and sharpens brain function. Their prime mode of action is to act as a potent antioxidant that will remove free radicals deposited in our brain.

- Berries
One of the hallmark signs of cognitive decline could be reduced or broken neural connections within the brain. Food products like berries are sufficient to help or repair the broken process. It is very important to stimulate these broken connections as they improve brain cells or neuronal communication. With such improved connections, we can have an eidetic memory!

- Dry Fruits
Almost all of the dry fruits should be consumed when soaked with water overnight. This is not just a myth but a fact as these fruits are mere seeds with a lot of nutrients and upon soaking them the desirable content in them gets magnified and provide good benefits.

- Coffee
One of the prime-time beverage ingredients is Coffee. We often question ourselves- is coffee healthy for us or not? Well, a limited amount of coffee is surely very healthy for us as it contains powerful antioxidants and can help us to boost our memory and sharpen our brain performance!

So, this was all about the memory boosters! Hope you found it interesting and intriguing enough to consume the listed item to sharpen your brain function.